- All items sold are brand new and in excellent condition.
- Priority will be given based on a first come first serve basis.
- Orders will only be processed once we receive the order form.
- If you are no longer interested in an item, backouts are allowed as long as payment has not been received. Please inform us if you would like to backout.
- Accessories in the pictures are not included, unless stated otherwise.
- Prices listed Do Not Include postage charges.
- We will not be held liable for any damages or loss during the course of delivery. Once goods are posted, it will be considered sold. Goods sold are NOT exchangeable or refundable.
- Payment must be bank in within 2 days upon reservation of an item. Items will be released to other buyers after 2 days if payment is not received.
- Our shipping is via PostLaju Malaysia. RM7 will be charge for West Malaysia and RM9 for East Malaysia.
- Serious buyers only. Joybidders and M.I.A customers will be blacklisted.
All our products are from HongKong, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and we are 100% guarantee our products are in good conditions.
Terms and Conditions
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